Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction – Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto

Introduction: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on creating algorithms and models that can learn to make decisions based on their interactions with an environment. It has found applications in a variety of fields, including robotics, game playing, and business. One of the most influential and extensively cited texts
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Rocket Propulsion Elements – George P. Sutton and Oscar Biblarz

Rocket Propulsion Elements – George P. Sutton and Oscar Biblarz Rocket propulsion elements refer to the fundamental components and principles involved in the operation and design of rockets. The study of rocket propulsion is a complex subject that requires a thorough understanding of various mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles. One of the most renowned and
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Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering – K. F. Riley M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, and S. J. Bence is a comprehensive textbook that covers a range of mathematical techniques commonly used in the fields of physics and engineering. This book is aimed at undergraduate students who have completed an introductory course in calculus and have a
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Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents – David L. Poole and Alan K. Mackworth

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, from virtual assistants on our phones to self-driving cars. It has revolutionized many industries and continues to shape the way we interact with technology. However, understanding the fundamentals of AI is crucial in order to fully comprehend its potential and limitations. In this
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