Programming challenges have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many programmers seeking to improve their skills and showcase their abilities through participating in programming contests. The Programming Contest Training Manual, written by Steven S. Skiena and Miguel A. Revilla, is a valuable resource for aspiring programmers looking to excel in these contests.
About the Authors
Steven S. Skiena is a renowned computer scientist known for his work in the fields of algorithms and data structures. He is also a professor at Stony Brook University and has authored several other books on programming. Miguel A. Revilla is an experienced software engineer with a deep understanding of algorithms and problem-solving techniques. He has participated in various programming contests and is also a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Overview of the Book
The Programming Contest Training Manual is a comprehensive guide that covers the essential topics and techniques needed to succeed in programming contests. It is divided into three parts: The Art of Programming Contests, Algorithmic Techniques, and Complete Problems.
The Art of Programming Contests
This section provides an introduction to programming contests, explaining the differences between programming contests and traditional computer science courses. It also discusses important skills such as time management, dealing with the stress of competition, and working in a team.
Algorithmic Techniques
The second part of the book focuses on algorithmic techniques that are commonly used in programming contests. It covers topics such as brute force, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. Each algorithm is explained in detail with examples and exercises for readers to practice.
Complete Problems
The final part of the book puts the techniques learned in the previous section into practice by presenting a variety of problems commonly found in programming contests. These problems include sorting, graph problems, and string processing. The authors provide detailed solutions for each problem, walking readers through the thought process behind solving them.
The Programming Contest Training Manual is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their programming skills and participating in programming contests. It covers a wide range of topics and techniques, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and more experienced programmers. The clear explanations, examples, and exercises make it an easy and enjoyable read. Whether you are a student, professional, or hobbyist, this book is sure to enhance your understanding of programming challenges and help you excel in future contests.