Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students – Howard D. Curtis

Introduction to Orbital Mechanics

Orbital mechanics is a fundamental aspect of aerospace engineering that involves the study of the motion and behavior of objects in space. It is essential for understanding the trajectory and dynamics of satellites, rockets, and other spacecraft in Earth’s orbit and beyond.

One of the leading textbooks on the subject is Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students by Howard D. Curtis. Published in 1999, this comprehensive book provides a thorough introduction to the principles and applications of orbital mechanics.

Author Howard D. Curtis

Howard D. Curtis is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. He earned his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and has over 40 years of experience as an educator and researcher in the field of aerospace engineering.

Curtis has made significant contributions to the study of orbital mechanics, control systems, and spacecraft dynamics. His research has focused on the optimization of satellite mission design and the development of advanced control strategies for spacecraft.

Overview of the Book

Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students is a comprehensive textbook that covers all aspects of orbital mechanics, from the basic laws of motion to advanced topics such as perturbation theory and formation flying. The book is divided into 11 chapters, each building upon the previous one to provide a comprehensive understanding of orbital dynamics.

The first chapter introduces the fundamental concepts of orbital mechanics, including the two-body problem, Kepler’s laws, and the three-dimensional nature of orbits. Curtis then delves into the principles of spaceflight and orbital transfer, discussing topics such as rocket propulsion and rendezvous maneuvers.

Subsequent chapters cover more advanced topics such as attitude dynamics, orbit determination, and orbit perturbations. The book also includes chapters on interplanetary trajectories and orbital maneuvers around the Moon, as well as a chapter on spacecraft formation flying.

Unique Features

One of the unique features of this textbook is the inclusion of computer programs and algorithms for solving practical problems in orbital mechanics. These programs, written in the computer language Python, allow students to apply the concepts they have learned to real-world scenarios.

The book also includes numerous examples and exercises, with solutions provided at the end of the book. This allows students to test their understanding and apply the concepts they have learned.


Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students is a vital resource for anyone studying or working in the field of aerospace engineering. It provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the principles of orbital mechanics, making it an excellent textbook for undergraduate and graduate students.

With its clear explanations, real-world examples, and unique programming feature, this book is widely considered one of the best resources available for understanding the complex world of orbital mechanics.

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